Jun 28, 2023
If the things you thought were true were actually wrong... when would you want to know? With regards to finances, misconception can cause costly consequences.
In today's episode, Brad explains how your financial freedom rests on understanding WHAT you are doing with your money and WHY you are doing it.
Jun 21, 2023
Many of us stress about where we will be financially in retirement and often ask the question, "Will I have enough to last?"... What it takes to protect what you save for retirement can be quite simple.
Today on the show, Brad shares 5 things that could help everyone achieve their retirement planning goals, reminding...
Jun 8, 2023
With continued media buzz around the U.S. debt ceiling, it has many people concerned but also short-sighted about how long the U.S. has actually been in debt... and if we as a country are in trouble when it comes to the debt we are holding.
In today's show, Brad takes us through a historic timeline of the U.S. federal...